Clinical Newsletter

Clinical Newsletter

Regular updates on our latest clinical studies.


Publication search

Our research and development teams operate at a global level and generate synergies from our collective expertise and by drawing on related disciplines. We are also constantly exchanging information at an international level with independent technical institutions, key opinion leaders and multipliers in order to be able to ensure cooperation and knowledge management of the highest order. As part of this process, we also conduct extensive research, the results of which we continually present in workshops, at conferences and symposiums - either in documentation or talks given by our cooperation partners - and also publish in renowned scientific journals. This database contains a large number of these evidence-based scientific articles, most of which have been evaluated by independent assessors:

  1. Poster

    A Multi disciplinary approach to the management of Chronic Dependent Oedema in a patient with Spina Bifida.

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  2. Poster

    Chronic Oedema: A new perspective

    Poster 27.03.2008
    Downloads Citation (RIS)
  3. Poster

    Exudate management, HydroBalance, pain reduction - special aspects in the treatment of chronic wounds in Germany -

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
    Products Suprasorb X
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  4. Poster

    Evaluation of cellulose and polyhexamethylene biguanide (Suprasorb® X+PHMB) in therapy of infected wounds

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
  5. Poster

    Prise en charge d'un ulcère veineux récalcitrant par Suprasorb X

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
    Products Suprasorb X
  6. Poster

    Cost-effectiveness in Modern Wound Management Observation study with an HydroBalance biocellulose based wound dressing* in Germany

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
    Products Suprasorb X
  7. Poster

    First Italian experience with a HydroBalanced biocellulosebased wound dressing in hospitalized patients with critically-colonized or infected chronic wounds

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
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  8. Poster

    Irreversible binding and activity reduction of elastase by native collagen type I in vitro

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
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  9. Poster

    Efficacy of different wound dressings on artificial plaques of fibrin

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France
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  10. Poster

    Prise en charge du trouble trophique dans le syndrome post-thrombotique avec Rosidal® et Suprasorb®

    Poster presented at CPC 2008 27.01.2008 Paris, France