Clinical Newsletter

Clinical Newsletter

Regular updates on our latest clinical studies.


Recherche de publication

Nos équipes de recherche et développement travaillent dans le monde entier et génèrent des synergies tirées de notre expertise et de disciplines techniques connexes. Nous sommes en contact à l'international avec des institutions spécialisées indépendantes, avec des leaders d'opinion et multiplicateurs de façon à pouvoir gérer parfaitement la gestion des coopérations et du savoir. Dans ce contexte, nous menons des recherches à grande échelle présentées continuellement lors de congrès sous forme de posters ou d'exposés réalisés par nos partenaires de coopération, mais aussi lors de colloques et d'ateliers. Ces travaux de recherche sont aussi publiés dans des revues scientifiques de renom. Nous mettons à disposition dans cette base de données des publications spécialisées basées sur des preuves et pour la plus grande partie évaluées par des experts indépendants :

  1. Poster

    Influence of irradiation on the binding capacity of bovine collagen for inflammatory proteases

    Poster presented at Joint Meeting EWMA, ETRS, DGFW 2005 15.09.2005 Stuttgart, Germany
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  2. Poster

    Improvement of microcirculation in leg ulcers using a combination of collagen and foam

    Poster presented at Joint Meeting EWMA, ETRS, DGFW 2005 15.09.2005 Stuttgart, Germany


    The removal of exudate as well as deactivation of exudate components or modulation of the cells to withstand exudate toxicity should be focused on, when supporting wound healing. For this purpose collagen is shown to be beneficial. This study evaluates and compares the effect on microcirculation in leg ulcers when applying a foam* dressing, collagen* and paraffin* gauze. The assumption is that in human dermal repair, microcirculation and angiogenesis is more stimulated when moist wound healing dressings are applied compared to paraffin gauze.



    The pilot study looked at granulating leg ulcers characterised by a low tcPO2. Patients were assigned to the different groups using randomization (group 1, N = 5, foam, group 2, N= 5 collagen and foam as secondary dressing, group 3, control group, N = 5, paraffin gauze). Angiogenesis was assessed by means of video capillaroscopy. The number of capillaries in the ulcer bed and tcPO2 in the peri-wound skin were assessed every week for a period of four weeks. For compression therapy a short stretch bandage system* was used.



    In Group 1 and 2 an increase of both, tcPO2 and number of capillaries was observed. The increase of these two parameters was bigger and faster in Group 1 and 2 than in Group 3, as shown in figure 1.



    In this pilot study the results suggest moist wound healing conditions to stimulate angiogenesis and microcirculation. The study approach may help to evaluate and compare the evolution of wound healing, applying different types of dressings.

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  3. Poster

    In vivo measurement of pressure and stiffness with a new multi-layer compression kit

    Poster presented at Joint Meeting EWMA, ETRS, DGFW 2005 15.09.2005 Stuttgart, Germany
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  4. Poster

    Successful treatment of a Malum perforans with total contact cast and moist wound management – a case study

    Poster presented at Joint Meeting EWMA, ETRS, DGFW 2005 15.09.2005 Stuttgart, Germany
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  5. Poster

    Collaborative Working in Wound Care

    Poster presented at Annual Conference of the Tissue Viability Society 2014 05.06.2005
  6. Poster

    Providing a holistic approach to skin care

    Poster presented at BLS Conference 2013 04.06.2005 Birmingham, UK
    Products Debrisoft Pad
  7. Poster

    The importance of early intervention in the management of chronic oedema in the community

    Poster presented at Annual Conference of the Tissue Viability Society 2013 04.06.2005
  8. Poster

    A case study to highlight the ever-changing needs of a chronic wound

    Poster presented at Annual Conference of the Tissue Viability Society 2012 03.06.2005
  9. Poster

    “21 days in the life of Edna”

    Poster 30.05.2005
  10. Poster

    The binding capacity of the collagen wound dressing Suprasorb® C for inflammatory cytokines

    Poster presented at ADF 2005 03.03.2005 Innsbruck, Germany
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