das magazin / 17. Jänner

    Successful under pressure

    At L&R research and development activities which make wound therapies more efficient and easier and quicker to apply are our number one priority.

    At L&R research and development activities which make wound therapies more efficient and easier and quicker to apply are our number one priority. Two innovations which L&R introduced in the field of negative pressure therapy have already made these goals a reality. They help healthcare professionals as they do their day-to-day activities and address both the requirements of modern wound therapy and the needs of patients in one product.

    Suprasorb CNP EasyDress makes application of negative pressure dressings on the extremities easier and quicker. The patentpending 3D dressing is gentle on the skin and improves wearing comfort for the patient.

    We offer the right wound filler, e.g. the antimicrobial absorbent cotton gauze, for every type of wound. It is easy to shape, it is antimicrobial and it allows exud ate to be assessed through the wound dressing.

    CNP - One of the most modern therapies

    Das Magazin talks to Chahine El Hindy.

    Das Magazin: What progress has Suprasorb CNP (Controlled Negative Pressure) made in the recent years?

    El Hindy: Suprasorb CNP is a relatively new product range in the wound care sector and ranks to one of the most modern therapies. The product line was launched by L&R in 2008. Since that time we had a huge progress. Starting with only one CNP device and a small assortment we rapidly developed the CNP product range to a complete system with all options for a state of the art negative pressure therapy. Today in most of the countries where the CNP system is available a team of CNP specialists consult and give CNP expertise to physicians, nurses and wound managers to provide a high level wound treatment to their patients.

    In collaboration with our specialists, key opinion leaders, customers and partners we could develop several unique products (like our latest innovation Suprasorb CNP EasyDress). We have been able to develop unique solutions for challenging situations in daily clinical practice with whom we can even save patients lives. Starting in Germany and Austria we soon expanded the distribution of our CNP system to other European countries like Italy and Switzerland as well as to Russia, the Middle East and South America. Today we implemented the therapy in over eleven countries focused on hospitals and private medical practices and still continuously extend our customer contacts and partnerships.

    Das Magazin: What makes L&R special in the NPWT and what differentiates it to the competitors?

    El Hindi: L&R offers all what physicians, nurses and wound manager need in terms of negative pressure wound therapy plus some unique patented products. We offer two types of devices (P1 for stationary patients and P2 for mobile patients). Our devices are very easy to handle and reliable. They have very good user satisfaction because we offer simplicity, variety, safety and unique solutions. For example we are offering a special mode for wounds which are difficult to treat because a tight dressing cannot be established. We offer two types of wound fillers (antimicrobial gauze and black foam). This gives our customers the freedom to choose the wound filler according to the invididual situation of the wound. We have different types of CNP kits according to the demand of the user, which e.g. contain singleuse surgical instruments. Add on we offer two unique innovations (Suprasorb CNP EasyDress & Suprasorb CNP drainage film). Those products are revolutionary products. They offer solutions for the treatment of the open abdomen and for a quick and proper sealing of the extremities. We always keep in mind that our customers rely on us and our therapy system. Therefore we – as the CNP specialist team – are dedicated to give consultancy and CNP expertise to users in order to provide an effective and efficient wound healing to their patients. In addition we provide in many countries a 24/7 technical helpline where a trained staff is day and night at the disposal of users seeking advice when giving care with our CNP products.

    Das Magazin: What do you like the most in your job? What is your focus when you are dealing with customers?

    El Hindy: I like the most in my job the different challenges of each day, meeting people from all over the world with different mentalities and dealing with various challenges. When dealing with customers I focus on giving them a solution for their problems according to the L&R strategy of the company: L&R delivers solutions, not only products!

    Chahine El Hindy

    El Hindy is an international trainer of L&R and mainly responsible for the Middle East and gulf region but also other regions around the world where his support is needed. Chahine el Hindy positions himself as an allrounder with a special focus on wound care and compression.

    Das Magazin interviews Martin Pohl, the Head of Sales and Marketing for medical technology within the L&R Group

    Das Magazin: What about the plans for the medicine technique part at L&R for the next years? What are the trends in the market?

    Martin Pohl: L&R continuously develop new products and innovations with our specialists. I believe that our Suprasorb CNP product line fits to the trends in the NPWT market: a highend therapy with an easy to use system, product solutions and therapy concepts for special requirements and a competitive price. Also our CNP specialist team and the unique product innovations offer a big advantage against competitors. By concentrating our research and development activities and promote a close contact to key users we strive to make CNP therapy even more efficient and easier. As also fields of application and indications in which NPWT is not used yet are in focus, we are in the position to offer new solutions and products on a continuous basis in the next months and years.

    Das Magazin: How do you communicate with your customers now and how will you communicate with them in the future?

    Martin Pohl: Of course we are currently using all the available communication tools tailored to our customers. For example, our website is oriented to our target group. We use media monitoring and social media channels to filter out what the target group is talking about, which issues they have at the moment and what affects them. We generate our messages based on what we learn. And those who can’t be tapped via these communication channels shouldn’t be left out. It is so important that we – the L&R specialists – support them directly and stay in close contact.

    Das Magazin: Which are the main touchpoints with the customers and which could get more and more important for the future from your point of view?

    Martin Pohl: Currently, it is still the sales team and the direct contact. In the future, I personally see this differently. There is still a contact to be important, but in addition it will be a must to use more different media channels for the sales promotion. And nothing works without service orientation! For example online services will gain in importance. Perhaps as a chat. If someone is not comfortable navigating on the website, an agent calls and asks if the visitor needs help. Overcrowded landing pages are no longer that important as in the past. Users can search on Google what they want to see and get possible navigation options. You will not end up on the general home page of a company, but – as L&R is doing it already – you will get right in the content you are interested inn. Scrollytelling (scrolling + storytelling) is the keyword here. This means the multimedia preparation of a story. This allows the integration and combination of different kinds of media like videos and images together with text and animations. It is usable on smartphones, tablets and PCs. User activity is stimulated, because the user can control the usage. It is an interactive presentation of the product portfolio. I think that will be exemplary relevant touchpoints for the future. The community of interest will characterise our future also in product development. L&R successfully uses its close liaison with customers, partners and opinion leaders for many years. I personally appreciate this relation to the community because it gives us the opportunity to respond to the need of the customers effectively and efficiently, going proactively in the brainstorming process with the potential buyers. It reminds us to stay competitive and gives the customers a voice. Therefore, I see great potential on a higher level!

    A statement by Dr Claudia Ellert, Chief Vascular Surgeon, Lahn-Dill Clinics, Wetzlar, Germany

    "Negative pressure therapy is considered the gold standard for treating complex wounds following debridement."

    L&R have developed a system with Suprasorb CNP EasyDress that both makes the use of negative pressure therapy on the extremities even more convenient for the user and significantly optimises the conditions for wound healing. The antimicrobial gauze allows the entire extremity to be enveloped. It can be easily removed even when wound areas are large. The film tube is then simply pulled over the extremity as a secondary dressing and fastened with narrow retention strips far from the wound. This protects the healthy skin and the dressing is kept conveniently fast and snugly in place. 

    Suprasorb CNP EasyDress is a high tech product that is easy to use and saves time and which creates optimal conditions for complicated chronic wounds on the extremities for optimal treatment with the proven Suprasorb CNP negative pressure therapy.