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Publication search

Our research and development teams operate at a global level and generate synergies from our collective expertise and by drawing on related disciplines. We are also constantly exchanging information at an international level with independent technical institutions, key opinion leaders and multipliers in order to be able to ensure cooperation and knowledge management of the highest order. As part of this process, we also conduct extensive research, the results of which we continually present in workshops, at conferences and symposiums - either in documentation or talks given by our cooperation partners - and also publish in renowned scientific journals. This database contains a large number of these evidence-based scientific articles, most of which have been evaluated by independent assessors:

  1. Poster

    A new antimicrobial wound dressing with polihexanide, SuprasorbÒ X+PHMB, first in vitro and clinical results

    Poster presented at CPC 2007 14.01.2007 Paris, France
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  2. Journal article

    Total Contact Cast: Effektiv in der Behandlung Diabetischer Fußulzera

    Orthopädieschuhtechnik 2007 1621

    Die fachgerechte Wundbehandlung, die Therapie eventuell vorhandener Weichteil- oder Knocheninfektionen und eine konsequente Druckentlastung sind die drei Säulen bei der Behandlung diabetischer Fußulzera. Insbesondere der Druckentlastung kommt eine zentrale Funktion zu. Im Beitrag wird eine in Deutschland bislang noch wenig eingesetzte Methode zur Druckentlastung mit einem Total Contact Cast in Zwei-Schalen-Technik beschrieben. Der Cast wird individuell für den Patienten gefertigt. Durch die spezielle Modellierung der Fußsohle wird der Druck von den besonders belasteten und gefährdeten Stellen auf andere Bereiche des Fußes verteilt. Zudem wirkt der feste Unterschenkelverband wie ein Schaft, der unerwünschte Scherkräfte – ein Hin- und Herrutschen des Fußes im Cast – durch Fixierung des Unterschenkels reduziert.

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  3. Journal article

    Simultaneous changes of leg circumference and interface pressure under different compression bandages

    European journal of vascular and endovascular surgery : the official journal of the European Society for Vascular Surgery 2007 33(4) 476482


    To assess the validity of measuring changes of sub bandage pressure and leg circumference in different body positions for an in vivo characterization of the elastic properties of bandage systems.



    Experimental study.



    Different compression bandages were applied on the leg. The variations of interface pressure and leg circumference above the inner ankle (that depends on the elastic property of the bandage) were measured simultaneously by a pressure transducer and by strain-gauge plethysmography in 50 patients. Stiffness is defined as the increase of pressure per increase of circumference.



    The most consistent parameter to differentiate elastic from inelastic bandages was the pressure-difference between the standing and the lying position corrected for the actual increase of leg circumference (modified static stiffness index, mSSI; sensitivity and specificity 100%). Neglecting the individual changes of the circumference and considering the pressure difference alone allows a differentiation which is slightly less accurate (sensitivity 100%, specificity 88%) but much simpler to use.



    The static stiffness index is a useful tool to differentiate elastic from inelastic bandage material even without correction for the individual increase of leg circumference.

    Products Dauerbinde K
    PMID 17234436
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  4. Journal article

    Oberschenkel-Kompression mit verschiedenen Kompressionsmitteln nach Eingriffen an der V. saphena magna

    Vasomed 2007 19(4) 170171
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  5. Journal article

    Einfluss der Sterilisationsmethode auf das Bindungsvermögen von bovinem Kollagen für IL-1 ß und MMP-2

    Journal der Deutschen Dermatologischen Gesellschaft 2007 5 246247
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  6. Journal article

    Utilizzo di una medicazione avanzata in cellulosa biosintetica (Suprasorb X® I Suprasorb X+PHMß®) nel trattamento delle ulcere digitali refrattarie in pazienti sclerodermici

    ACTA VULNOLOGICA 2007 5(4) 161165

    Finger-tips scleroderma wounds (digital ulcers) are usually difficul to treat both for the seat of the lesion and for the severe associated pain. We enrolled in an open trial9 scleroderma patients treated with system.ic vasodilators and refractory DU notwithstanding repeated applications of advanced dressings. Suprasorb :x® is an advanced dressing basically oriented to fluid balance: after accurate detersion the dressing has been applied 2 times per week, 3-4 weeks, and then once a time in a week, other 3-4 weeks. Pain decreased dramatically in all patients after the first applications and the wounds healed in 7 out of 9 patients while improved signifi.cantly in the last two patients who are still in treatm.ent on clinical bas is. In this preliminary experience Suprasorb X® was better than any other advanced dressing we used, for the healing of fingertips wounds in scleroderma patients because of pain control and fluid balance and perl-wound skin control.

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  7. Journal article

    Suprasorb X+ PHMB: Utilizzo di una medicazione Hydrobalance in ADI

    ACTA VULNOLOGICA 2007 5(3) 154


    Questo lavoro ha lo scopo di presentare i risultati ottenuti utilizzando Ia medicazione Suprasorb X + PHMB. II paziente e affetto da insufficienza venosa periferica da circa 25 anni, con lesioni recidivanti all'a1to inferiore destro ehe si sono sempre risolte in tempi relativamente brevi. Da agosto 2006 presenta piccola lesione ehe va via via ingrandendosi sia in larghezza ehe in profondita. II paziente lamenta dolore persistente non controllato con i farmaci, non presenta segni di infezione. Sono state tentate molte medicazioni tradizionali ed avanzate, e stato visto piü volte dal suo Medico di Base ehe non rileva particolari peggioramenti dal punto di vista clinico. E stato visto dal chirurgo vascolare ehe non rileva alcun peggioramento dal punto di vista vascolare e ehe concorda con Ia medicazione in atto. Da tutti viene rilevato il disagio socio-ambientale ehe trarrebbe un notevole miglioramento dalla guarigione della lesione. In questo lavoro si notano i risultati ottenuti utilizzando Ia medicazione su scritta, ehe fa riprendere il processo di guarigione con una diminuzione considerevolen del dolore. E anche apprezzata una diminuzione degli accessi dell'infermiere.


    Materlalle metodi

    E stata utilizzata una medicazione Hydrobalance a base di cellulosa biosintetica (Suprasorb X), ehe permette di calibrare l'umidita sulla lesione in base alla quantita di secrezioni, di stimolare Ia rie pitelizzazione e di controllare il dolore; in una prima fase e stata utilizzata Ia versione antimicrobica con PHMB (poliesanide).



    L'utilizzo di Suprasorb X ha permesso di ponare Ia lesione a guarigione in un tempo pili breve (circa 10 settimane) rispetto alle aspettative e con un numero di accessi inferiore alla media, e di ottenere un controllo efficace del dolore in sede di lesione.

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  8. Journal article

    Effect of the sterilization method on the binding capacity of bovine collagen for IL-1ß and MMP-2

    Experimental dermatology 2007 16 240
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  9. Journal article

    Guarigione di due ulcere trattate con medicazione innovativa idrobilanciante di biocellulosa

    ACTA VULNOLOGICA 2007 5(3) 141
    Products Suprasorb X
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  10. Journal article

    Fibroblasts, keratinocytes and HaCaT -cells proliferation influenced by polihexanide

    Experimental dermatology 2007 16 272
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