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Ricerca della pubblicazione

I nostri team di ricerca e sviluppo sono distribuiti in tutto il mondo, generando sinergie grazie alle nostre competenze specializzate e discipline correlate. Partecipiamo a uno scambio internazionale con istituzioni specializzate indipendenti, opinion leader e moltiplicatori chiave, al fine di garantire la cooperazione e la gestione delle conoscenze ai massimi livelli. Come parte di questo impegno, conduciamo ricerche approfondite che vengono continuamente presentate ai congressi sotto forma di poster o conferenze dai nostri partner di cooperazione, nonché ai simposi e workshop, e pubblicati su riviste scientifiche rinomate. Le pubblicazioni specialistiche basate sulle evidenze, per lo più valutate da revisori indipendenti, sono disponibili in questo database:

  1. Journal article

    Comparison of the efficacy of novel non-invasive mechanical debridement methods – sterile sponge, monofilament fibre cloth and non-woven cloth impregnated with sodium hyaluronate and phospholipids in relation to traditional sterile gauze

    Advances in Dermatology and Allergology 2022 39(5) 856864

    Introduction: According to the European guidelines, the first step for local wound preparation is debridement, which stands for removing of devitalized tissue such as slough or necrosis. There are numerous types of debridement, but not all of them can be performed by non-specialists. Most of the research investigating efficiency of novel debridement products are carried out or funded by pharmaceutical companies.

    Aim: To compare the efficacy of relative necrotic tissue removal after 30 days on patients subjected to debridement with sterile sponge, monofilament fibre cloth, non-woven cloth impregnated with sodium hyaluronate and phospholipids and traditional sterile gauze.

    Material and methods: By use of photographic documentation at 7 days’ intervals and planimetry methods, the total wound surface area and sloughy tissue area was measured.

    Results: Results have shown that monofilament cloth was the most effective, removing on average 63.44 ±32.91% of necrotic tissue after the first procedure and 74.65 ±30.95% within 30 days of application, in comparison to the sterile gauze group that had on average only 23.53 ±19.16% of necrotic tissue removed at day 0 and 44.95 ±31.47% removed at day 30. Moreover, patients using all 3 products tested reported higher satisfaction with that treatment than those treated with gauze.

    Conclusions: Results imply that all those methods could be considered as they are well accepted by patients and cause less pain during the procedure, which is essential for good compliance and complete resolution of the lesions.

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  2. Journal article

    A biofilm based wound care pathway in the community setting:: a review

    Wounds UK 2022 18(4) 1420

    In recent years, the impact of biofilms on non-healing wounds has gained increasing interest and it has been reported that between 80% to 100% of non-healing wounds have a biofilm associated with them that impedes wound healing (Bjarnsholt et al, 2017; Malone et al, 2017). Biofilms consist of a complex community of microorganisms, which tend to attach to surfaces, and are encased within a matrix consisting of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS) (Malone et al, 2017). This matrix provides

    the microorganisms with protection against antimicrobial treatment and an individual’s immune system. There is an increasing focus and awareness around the use of biofilm based wound care (BBWC) pathways, and they are recommended in several consensus documents (Bianchi et al, 2016; Shultz et al, 2017; Murphy et al, 2020; International Wound Infection Institute (IWII), 2022), This article will discuss the evidence behind BBWC and the potential for introduction of a BBWC pathway into the community setting.

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  3. Journal article

    Cutting costs and caseloads with a monofilament debridement pad

    Journal of Community Nursing 2022 36(6) 4248

    Debridement is the removal of non-viable tissue from the wound bed and surrounding skin and is an important part of wound healing and wound bed preparation. Devitalised tissue, such as necrosis, slough and hyperkeratosis, interfere with the process of wound healing. When a wound fails to progress, there is a need to assess the wound bed and surrounding tissue and promote an optimum environment that encourages the formation of healthy granulation tissue (Young, 2014). Recent advances in debridement techniques using monofilament fibre technology can be practised by nonspecialist nurses and used safely and effectively in a patient’s home. In a recent audit, a dataset of 486 patients who had been newly prescribed a monofilament fibre debridement pad was obtained to validate clinical effectiveness and cost efficiency. The total cost of wound care prescribing fell by 14% or £101,723 in the six months after the intervention compared with the six months before. The average monthly expenditure per patient fell from £244 before the intervention to £209 after (Burnett et al, 2021). This evidence reinforces the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) recommendations for use of monofilament fibre debridement in the community, based on evidence of its effectiveness and estimated cost savings (NICE, 2019).

    Products Debrisoft Lolly
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  4. Journal article

    Combined endoscopic-percutaneous treatment of upper gastrointestinal enterocutaneous fistula using vacuum therapy and resorbable plug insertion (Vac-Plug)

    Scientific reports 2022 12(1) 12221

    After gastrointestinal resections, leakages can occur, persist despite conventional therapy and result in enterocutaneous fistulae. We developed a combination method using flexible endoscopic techniques to seal the enteric orifice with an absorbable plug in addition to a percutaneously and fistuloscopically guided open-pore film drainage (Vac-Plug method). We retrospectively searched our endoscopy database to identify patients treated with the outlined technique. The clinical and pathological data were assessed, the method analyzed and characterized and the technical and clinical success determined. We identified 14 patients that were treated with the Vac-Plug method (4 females, 10 males with a mean age of 56 years, range 50-74). The patients were treated over a time period of 23 days (range 4-119) in between one to thirteen interventions (mean n = 5). One patient had to be excluded due to short follow-up after successful closure. Seventy-seven percent (10/13) were successfully treated with a median follow-up of 453 days (range 35-1246) thereafter. No treatment related complications occurred during the therapy. The data of the analysis showed that the Vac-Plug therapy is safe and successful in a relevant proportion of the patients. It is easy to learn and to apply and is well tolerated. In our opinion, it is a promising addition to the armamentarium of interventional methods of these difficult to treat patients. Of course, its usefulness must be further validated in larger prospective studies.

    PMID 35851392
  5. Journal article

    Het verhaal van Amber: Complicaties na een Gastric bypass

    Nederlands Tijdschrift Voor Huidzorg 2022 12(2)

    Amber is 42 jaar en moeder van 3 prachtige kinderen. Van kleins af aan was ze al redelijk gezet en dat bleef zo ondanks veel pogingen om af te vallen. Haar vader is overleden vlak na haar geboorte, ook hij was veel te zwaar en had te hoge cholesterol waarden. Amber dacht: dit gaat mij niet gebeuren en ik ga hulp zoeken om af te vallen. Ze kwam in 2016 in het ziekenhuis in Almelo bij de internist terecht en kreeg daar allerlei onderzoeken inclusief een erfelijkheidsonderzoek in verband met haar vader. Tijdens de tweede afspraak bij de internist werd ze goed met haar neus op de feiten gedrukt. Amber: ‘Hij zei, er moet gauw iets gebeuren want anders wordt u geen 38 jaar oud. Hier schrok ik dus behoorlijk van. Mijn bloeddruk was te hoog, ik rookte, had diabetes en een super hoog cholesterol gehalte.’ Al snel kreeg Amber groen licht voor een gastric bypass. ‘Maar daarvoor moest ik wel een jaar lang een voorbereidend traject volgen’. De operatie vond uiteindelijk plaats in april 2017.

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  6. Journal article

    Pre-emptive active drainage of reflux (PARD) in Ivor-Lewis oesophagectomy with negative pressure and simultaneous enteral nutrition using a double-lumen open-pore film drain (dOFD)

    Surgical endoscopy 2022


    Postoperative reflux can compromise anastomotic healing after Ivor-Lewis oesophagectomy (ILE). We report on Pre-emptive Active Reflux Drainage (PARD) using a new double-lumen open-pore film drain (dOFD) with negative pressure to protect the anastomosis.


    To prepare a dOFD, the gastric channel of a triluminal tube (Freka®Trelumina, Fresenius) is coated with a double-layered open-pore film (Suprasorb®CNP drainage film, Lohmann & Rauscher) over 25 cm. The ventilation channel is blocked. The filmcoated segment is placed in the stomach and the intestinal feeding tube in the duodenum. Negative pressure is applied with an electronic vacuum pump (- 125 mmHg, continuous suction) to the gastric channel. Depending on the findings in the endoscopic control, PARD will either be continued or terminated.


    PARD was used in 24 patients with ILE and started intraoperatively. Healing was observed in all the anastomoses. The median duration of PARD was 8 days (range 4-21). In 10 of 24 patients (40%) there were issues with anastomotic healing which we defined as "at-risk anastomosis". No additional endoscopic procedures or surgical revisions to the anastomoses were required.


    PARD with dOFD contributes to the protection of anastomosis after ILE. Negative pressure applied to the dOFD (a nasogastric tube) enables enteral nutrition to be delivered simultaneously with permanent evacuation and decompression.

    PMID 34973079
  7. Journal article

    Silver nanoparticles: an overview of scientific toxicity and safety data and introduction of a new dressing, Venus Ag

    Wounds UK 2022 18(4) 2229

    Nanotechnology has opened a new area of scientific research. This field deals with materials within the dimensions of 1–100nm and a plethora of new technologies have emerged. In wound care, silver nanoparticles are used to aid wound healing as an antimicrobial agent, but also as an anti-inflammatory agent. The properties of silver nanoparticles differ from that of the material on a larger scale and their production can be controlled to give varied properties and characteristics that have different uses. These resultant properties are very important and differences in characterisation can alter their biological and physical attributes. All wound dressings have to undergo rigorous scrutiny around toxicity and safety when regulatory review is undertaken, yet some users still have concerns over long-term effects of silver nanoparticles in vivo. This review will address some of these concerns and reviews the current health and safety data associated with introduction of new products containing silver nanoparticles using Venus Ag dressings (SFM LTD, UK) as an example.

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  8. Journal article

    3D Biofilm Models Containing Multiple Species for Antimicrobial Testing of Wound Dressings

    Microorganisms 2022 10(10)

    The treatment of chronic wounds presents a major challenge in medical care. In particular, the effective treatment of bacterial infections that occur in the form of biofilms is of crucial importance. To develop successful antibiofilm strategies for chronic wound treatment, biofilm models are needed that resemble the in vivo situation, are easy to handle, standardizable, and where results are readily transferable to the clinical situation. We established two 3D biofilm models to distinguish the effectiveness of wound dressings on important microorganisms present in chronic wounds. The first 3D biofilm model contains Staphylococcus aureus, Escherichia coli, and Acinetobacter baumannii, while the second is based on Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacteria are cultivated in a nutrient-rich agar/gelatin mix, into which air bubbles are incorporated. This results in a mature biofilm growing in clusters similar to its organization in chronic wounds. The models are convenient to use, have low variability and are easy to establish in the laboratory. Treatment with polihexanide and silver-containing wound dressings showed that the models are very well suited for antimicrobial testing and that they can detect differences in the efficacy of antimicrobial substances. Therefore, these models present valuable tools in the development of effective antibiofilm strategies in chronic wounds.

    PMID 36296303
  9. Journal article

    Management of esophageal perforations in infants by endoscopic vacuum therapy: A single center case series

    BMC gastroenterology 2022 22(1) 282


    Endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) has become a standard treatment method for esophageal perforations in adults. However, experience with EVT in infants is scarce. In this retrospective case series, we report on four very young infants who were successfully treated with EVT for esophageal perforations of different etiology.


    Four infants were diagnosed with esophageal perforations on day 7, 32, 35 and 159 of life, respectively. The youngest one was prematurely born in the 31st week of pregnancy weighing 980 g only. Three infants had perforations due to foreign body insertion (nasogastric tube or pulling through of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy (PEG) tube through the esophagus). One child had an anastomotic dehiscence after Foker's surgery for atresia. In three children EVT was applied as first-line therapy for perforation, in one child EVT was a rescue therapy due to persisting leakage after surgical closure involving thoracotomy. Depending on the esophageal diameter, either an open-pore drainage film or polyurethane sponge was attached to a single-lumen 8 Fr suction catheter, endoscopically (or fluoroscopically by wire-guidance) placed into the esophagus (intraluminal EVT) and supplied with continuous negative pressure (ranging between 75 and 150 mmHg). The EVT system was exchanged twice per week.


    Complete closure of the perforation/leakage could be achieved in all four infants (100%) after 22 days of continuous EVT (median value; range 7-39) and 4.5 EVT exchanges (median value; range 1-12). No serious adverse events occurred.


    EVT is an effective and safe addition to our therapeutic armamentarium in the management of esophageal perforations irrespective of its etiology. Here we prove the feasibility of EVT even in very young infants. The use of an extra thin vacuum open-pore drainage film is helpful to cope with the small esophageal diameter. EVT settings and exchange rates similar to those known from adult treatment were used.

    PMID 35658914
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  10. Journal article

    Endoscopic vacuum therapy in the upper gastrointestinal tract: When and how to use it

    Langenbeck's archives of surgery 2022


    Endoscopic vacuum therapy (EVT) has emerged as a novel treatment option for upper gastrointestinal wall defects. The basic principle of action of EVT entails evacuation of secretions, removal of wound debris, and containment of the defect. Furthermore, there is increasing evidence that EVT reduces interstitial edema, increases oxygen saturation, and promotes tissue granulation and microcirculation. Various devices, such as macroporous polyurethane sponge systems or open-pore film drains, have been developed for specific indications. Depending on the individual situation, EVT devices can be placed in- or outside the intestinal lumen, as a stand-alone procedure, or in combination with surgical, radiological, and other endoscopic interventions.


    The aim of this narrative review is to describe the current spectrum of EVT in the upper gastrointestinal tract and to assess and summarize the related scientific literature.


    There is growing evidence that the efficacy of EVT for upper GI leakages exceeds that of other interventional treatment modalities such as self-expanding metal stents, clips, or simple drainages. Owing to the promising results and the excellent risk profile, EVT has become the therapy of choice for perforations and anastomotic leakages of the upper gastrointestinal tract in many centers of expertise. In addition, recent clinical research suggests that preemptive use of EVT after high-risk upper gastrointestinal resections may play an important role in reducing postoperative morbidity.

    PMID 35041047