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    Unsere Forschungs- und Entwicklungsteams sind weltweit im Einsatz und generieren Synergien aus unserem Expertenwissen und verwandten Fachdisziplinen. Wir stehen im internationalen Austausch mit unabhängigen Fachinstitutionen, Key Opinion Leadern und Multiplikatoren, um so Kooperations- und Wissensmanagement auf höchstem Niveau gewährleisten zu können. Im Rahmen dessen führen wir umfangreiche Forschungen durch, die kontinuierlich auf Kongressen in Form von Postern oder freien Vorträgen unserer Kooperationspartner sowie in Symposien und Workshops präsentiert und in namhaften wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften veröffentlicht werden. Die größtenteils von unabhängigen Gutachtern bewerteten, evidenzbasierten Fachpublikationen, stellen wir Ihnen in dieser Datenbank zur Verfügung:

    1. Journal article

      Wound treatment costs comparing a bio-cellulose dressing with moist wound healing dressings and conventional dressings

      Wound Medicine 2014 6 1114

      Aim: The aim of the present paper was to compare material and labour costs of a bio-cellulose dressing1 with traditional dressings (surgical pads, tulle grass, saline soaked gauze) and moist wound healing dressings.

      Methods: A prospective cohort study measured clinical efficacy, materials and labour costs when using bio-cellulose dressing1 + film2 or bio-cellulose dressing1 + foam.3 60 patients with 73 complex wounds of various aetiologies were treated for a period of 1 year, in an out-patient clinic setting in Frankfurt and Neuwied, Germany and Bologna, Italy. The evaluated bio-cellulose dressing1 was combined with polyhexamethylene biguanide for reduction of bacterial burden. The present study results were compared to published data on complex wounds, treated with traditional dressings and moist wound healing dressings, to calculate cost differences.

      Results: For the traditional dressings, cost calculations are based on 7.0 dressing changes/week. For moist wound healing dressings this was 3.0/week and for the bio-cellulose dressing 1.4/week. In comparison to the treatment with traditional dressings wound treatment costs with moist wound healing dressings were significantly lower. For calculation of a 3 months period, cost reduction for moist wound healing dressings was 49.4%, for bio-cellulose dressing1 + foam3 61.9% and 73.7% for bio-cellulose dressing1 + film.3

      Conclusion: Moist wound healing dressings showed a cost reduction, compared to traditional dressings, with a larger cost reduction shown for bio-cellulose dressing.1 These findings are to be confirmed by randomized controlled studies.

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    2. Poster

      Getting debridement right in a challenging specialist patient group

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013 Harrogate, UK
      Products Debrisoft Pad
    3. Poster

      The management of a patient with bilateral lymphoedema and papillomatosis

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013 Harrogate, UK
      Products Debrisoft Pad
      Further versions
    4. Poster

      The value of collaborative working with industry in a community setting

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013 Harrogate, UK
      Products Debrisoft Pad
    5. Poster

      Safe debridement at home - a case study

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013 Harrogate, UK
      Products Debrisoft Pad
    6. Poster

      Collaborative working using a hydrobalanced antimicrobial dressing* to improve patient outcomes

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013
    7. Poster

      Management of lower limb lymphovenous oedema in a patient with paraspinal arteriovenous malformation (AVM)

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013 Harrogate, UK

      Arteriovenous Malformation (AVM) is an abnormal connection that can affect each part

      of the vasculature (capillaries, arteries, veins or a combination of these) which usually

      are congenital. This vascular anomaly is widely known because of its occurrence in

      the central nervous system. Typically, patients with this condition seek help from a

      number of physicians only to experience disappointing outcomes, complications, and

      (Yakes, Rossi & Odink, recurrence or deterioration of their presenting symptoms

      1996). Vascular malformations constitute some of the most difficult diagnostic and

      therapeutic enigmas that can be encountered in medicine. These challenges are

      compounded by the extreme rarity of these vascular lesions and the vascular

      (Yakes, 1999 intervention required in treatment

    8. Poster

      Sub-bandage pressures and comfort in a lymphoedema bandaging system with a foam layer and cohesive short stretch bandage

      Poster presented at Wounds UK 2013 11.11.2013 Harrogate, UK
    9. Poster


      Poster presented at EWMA 2013 15.05.2013 Copenhagen, Denmark
    10. Poster


      Poster presented at EWMA 2013 15.05.2013 Copenhagen, Denmark
      Products Rosidal TCS
      Further languages