New claim, familiar values: People.Health.Care.

    Lohmann & Rauscher brings brand values together in new claim

    With immediate effect, the internationally operating manufacturer of medical devices Lohmann & Rauscher (L&R) is presenting itself with a new claim, which describes the main areas of focus for the company in a nutshell: People.Health.Care. The claim is designed to condense the corporate approach of L&R and communicate it in an emotional manner and also to help in branding.

    As a solution provider and reliable partner in the fields of medicine, nursing care and hygiene, L&R has three focal areas at the centre of its day-to-day work: people, their health and care for both. From now on, these focal areas are being taken into account in the new claim “People.Health.Care.”, which reflects the corporate approach of the medical device supplier and communicates it in an emotional manner.

    “The claim is not only formally closely linked to the L&R brand – first and foremost it is designed to bring together the content of our focal areas of business and thereby help in branding. That is why our positioning with the claim is an important component of our internal and external marketing activities, especially in view of the increasing internationalisation of the company,” says Wolfgang Süßle, CEO of the L&R Corporate Group.

    Even though the three areas are deliberately separated by a full stop and are distinct, together they form a whole and in essence stand jointly for the vision and values of L&R as a solution and service provider: quality, expertise, customer focus, confidence, innovation and reliability.

    People. Focus on people.

    People are at the focus for L&R and that is why they come first in the claim. With its claim, L&R is directing its attention at customers, users and patients on the one hand and partners and employees on the other and is putting them at the centre of its activity.

    Health. Sphere of activity and expertise.

    Health defines both a basic human need and the vision and brand values of L&R. The claim is therefore not only a clear commitment to health in general, but at the same time the promise to provide products and concepts that help people throughout the world.

    Care. Reliable partner and solution provider.

    As a caring solution provider, L&R is incorporating the brand values of confidence, customer focus and service orientation in the new claim and is positioning itself as a reliable partner of customers, employees, users and patients.


    Further information on Lohmann & Rauscher (L&R) can be found at:



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