Successful content marketing in patient communications

    Lohmann & Rauscher presents its osteoarthritis campaign at EXPOLIFE 2017

    Thinking beyond the product and offering both partners and patients added value – that is the aim of content marketing campaigns such as the “Active – despite osteoarthritis!” campaign from Lohmann & Rauscher (L&R). The campaign, which is being rolled out in Germany, focuses on the individual needs of customers with osteoarthritis symptoms and was introduced in Kassel on Friday, 28 April 2017, as part of a presentation at EXPOLIFE 2017. Immediately following the seminar, there was a bonus info session for the medical supplies retailers in attendance on the treatment of early osteoarthritis using active supports.

    According to the Robert Koch Institute, more than five million people in Germany have osteoarthritis. They all want therapy that not only alleviates their pain but also meets their needs. It is precisely those needs which are at the heart of L&R’s new content marketing concept, according to communications expert and science journalist Michael Kömpf, managing director of the transQUER agency. In a presentation entitled “Enough with the adaptive postures! How to really help your patients with osteoarthritis – content marketing for your patient consultations”, he explained, using the example of the campaign, how content marketing can be used successfully in the area of patient communication and how it offers added value to all actors – from doctors to medical supplies retailers. One aim of this approach is to provide all those involved in healthcare with helpful information and materials for communicating with patients and customers. Successful content marketing strategies start with the needs of those seeking information and offer custom solutions for the wide range of problems experienced by patients. Because they are specifically tailored to the in-person consultations taking place at German specialist retailers, these materials create added value for both medical supplies retailers and for their customers.

    Manufacturer as solution provider

    “These days it is important for manufacturers not only to supply high quality products but also to support and advise all those actors involved in diagnosis and treatment by being a solution provider”, said Axel Gundlach, supports and orthoses specialist in the Marketing division at L&R Germany, explaining the goals of the osteoarthritis campaign. “This is why the product isn’t front and center in content marketing campaigns such as ‘Active – despite osteoarthritis!’. It’s actually more about specifically dealing with the individual needs of the customer, meeting their varying information requirements using theme-driven communication and offering advice that goes above and beyond the product”, continued Gundlach. 

    The information should be conveyed initially in an in-person discussion with the customer and then consolidated through digital channels. In communications on the topic of osteoarthritis, L&R likes to use valuable patient information and stories, which can be accessed online via the blog and are also distributed in the form of patient flyers. The focus here is always on ensuring that the information is attractively presented and stirs the reader’s emotions and that the benefits and added value for the patient are clear.

    Treatment of early osteoarthritis using active supports

    An added value for the medical supplies retailers who were at the campaign presentation was the bonus info session on treating early osteoarthritis using active supports that followed the presentation. According to the 2016 EULAR international guidelines, active supports may be beneficial for relieving joints and promoting joint mobility, and for those with advanced disease they can help bridge the gap while waiting for joint replacement surgery. In both cases, the fact that the supports are very comfortable helps that patients feel at ease with their support therapy, Gundlach reports. Specifically, the L&R supports and orthoses in the Cellacare® “Comfort” segment and thus issues related to the relief achieved for the joint are at the heart of the information communicated by the content marketing campaign. 

    New CME training for injuries of the capsular ligament of the ankle

    L&R also is serious about supporting doctors who specialise in this area. About one million ankle sprains are reported every year and prompt treatment of the injury is particularly important and of great interest to orthopaedists and surgeons. This is why L&R offers certified CME training with two modules on this subject with which specialists can generate up to three CME points per module.

    Quick answers thanks to our Supports & Orthoses app

    L&R offers added value for all actors, from patients to medical supplies retailers, with its Supports & Orthoses app. It acts as a digital product guide and gives users all the information they need at a glance. All of the products are organised by indication and there are helpful tips for coding prescriptions appropriately.


    Further information on Lohmann & Rauscher (L&R) can be found at:



    On the blog , patients can find helpful information about osteoarthritis.

    Reprint free of charge – specimen copy requested.

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