das magazin / 19 jún

Hidden Champions

The lion’s share of sales at L&R does not come from our marquee products which are highlighted in every presentation, it comes from our buried treasures.

The “mighty mites” at L&R

Sometimes simpler is better. Absorbent cotton gauze has been used to treat wounds for centuries and even today it is still often used as first and simplest way of treating wounds. We produce this all-rounder in the form of absorbent cotton gauze wound pads and rolls.

The aluminised specialty pads ensure that the wound dressing does not adhere to the wound and is therefore suitable for many medical applications: from acute abrasions and burns to chemical burns. The shapes and sizes needed are just as varied as the types of wounds. We offer a wide range of products and correspondingly Metalline is used on a daily basis for numerous wound treatments, all over the world!

We are all familiar with the moment when – after a blood draw or vaccination – a small, soft swab is held down on the injection site. For many people who don’t like “shots”, this is a sign that the worst is over. Once every second we get to share this moment with countless doctors, nurses and patients around the world, thanks to our Zelletten swabs.

Stable, tissue-conserving swabs are needed for microsurgery procedures on the eye in particular for absorption, swabbing, removal of foreign objects, retention and holding. Pro-ophta Sticks are appreciated for their excellent capillary action and high absorption rate.